Crisis in the family is not a new thing, and it is expected. A family which has never experienced crisis, probably lives in deception.
Crisis is an avenue for families to know more about one another, and help each other get better. However, if crisis exceeds the point of conflict resolution, then it could lead to the family being broken.
Usually, the crisis which occurs in a family, is between spouses. Other times, it could be between parents and children. If crisis occurs in a family, it is expedient that it gets settled before it goes out of hand.
During the times of crisis, it is advisable that they are not left to themselves. These are difficult times, when they need the intervention of a third party to move forward.

There are various services which cater for families in times like this. They provide counseling, protection, shelter and rehabilitation for families, as they recover from these unpleasant events.
The most severe issue which can cause a broken home, is domestic violence problems. This can put any of the family members in physical danger, and this must be taken with a great deal of care.
If the violence continues on a regular basis, it could be threatening for the family members, and the best would be for them to seek refuge at a transit home, pending the time when things get settled.
A broken home can also be caused by mental health problem, and a good of number of times, it is usually the cause of domestic violence within the home.
Mental illness could either be major or minor, and it depends on the severity and the level of management. When the mental illness is uncontrollable, it could cause serious strife for the person and the rest of the family.
Healing a broken home needs the intervention of a skilled professional; someone who knows his onions when it comes to therapy for broken homes. If there is no intervention, there is a possibility that, the family would not be able to recover.